Saturday, December 19, 2009

One Big BAD Cookie!

This is a wonderful holiday display at the nearby Williams-Sonoma store, a perennial favorite of mine for kitchen and cooking gifts for the most-deserving Mrs. Tampa DP. I was strolling and window shopping when this gigantic cookie appeared; it must be about 6-feet across, which we all know is silly and impossible. (But it sure did catch my eye.!) If I could find Oreos this size I'd stock up and retire to a secluded island and live out my life feasting on overstuffed sandwich cookies filled with delicious white mush. (Oreo cookies are a personal weakness.)

If you look closely you can make out the reflections of streetlights and windows of the retailer Restoration Hardware in the lower portion of the cookie.


  1. Ho, ho, an oreo,
    Finally big enough
    For Santa.
    But if he ate
    The whole darn thing
    He'd get no further
    Than Atlanta.

    I know, that's pretty sad, but I'm tired from packing and getting ready to move ... to Stone Creek!

    What are those in the bottom part of the cookie? - look like little mirrors.

    Hope your Sunday is filled with fun!

  2. Jacob - There is almost nothing more exhausting then packing and moving. My heart goes out to you guys trying to accomplish it all right at the holidays.

    We are in the midst of major (unplanned) home structural repair that is going into its third week. Total upheaval, dirt, dust, temp walls, plaster, etc. etc. Our neighbors are trying to see into the house but flying buttresses similar to a Gothic cathedral are making it hard. I AM flying a friendly snowman banner out front. Ha! I was thinking of asking you and Lois Anne if we could take the spare room at Stone Creek for a week or so...ho, ho, ho.

    We actually bought a tree after waiting as long as we thought sensible but are foregoing other decorations for the first time ever. (We can't wait until the construction crew sees a 9-foot tree covered in plastic on Monday at dawn.) Our son arrives from Georgia Tuesday night to spend a week so we have been trying to warn him that "home" is a bit disrupted. Good luck with that. Our grandson is in amazement at what "we" have done. Yep, this is how we love to celebrate.

    The only thing worse right now would be what Jacob is doing. Moving!!!! Be sure and mark the boxes real clearly. Right??

  3. Das Leben dergleichen Halbfaßung
    der Welt wahr immer nicht wahr,
    nicht wahr? Die fristlos Entlaßung
    am Ende wird kaum wunderbar.

    So laßen uns Menschlingen viele
    besonders besonnene zum
    Zeitweilegem Zeiten als Ziele
    des Lebens halbfaßen darum.

    Meine deutsche Gedichte


    I went downtown, saw Katie in the nude
    on Common Avenue, detracted soltitude
    as it were, like a dream-state rosely hued,
    like no one else could see her; DAMN! I phewed;

    was reciprokelly then, thank heaven, viewed,
    bestowed unique hard-on! but NOT eschewed,
    contrair-ee-lee, she took a somewhat rude
    'n readidy attude of Sex Prelude; it BREWED!

    And for a start, i hiccuped "Hi!", imbued
    with Moooood! She toodledooed: "How queued
    your awe-full specie-ally-tee, Sir Lewd,
    to prove (alas!), to have me finely screwed,

    and hopef'lly afterwards beloved, wooed,
    alive, huh? Don't you even DO it, Duu-uuude!"

    My English Poetry Blog

    N'est-que pas que la solitude elle-mème eveille quelque attente fébrile? Voici l'entrée, vide, discrètetement illuminée comme une musée nocturne – la terasse, avec ses torchères ondoyantes par un soir d'Avent étrangement doux – laissant le vestibule et les murmures de voix – la chambre immaculée immaculée et la musique de danse derrière le mur – et le bar à cocktails mondains – le bassin où le nageur s'entrâine, longeur après longeur, il en n'a jamais assez, il doit y mettre de sien – enfin, tournant vers le haut au coin du sombre couloir vient la fille noire et pâle, altière, déterminée et de style épuré, ainsi qu'un moderne avion de chasse suédois.



    Exit time. Las chicas dejan el espejo de bar
    dormindose en sus corazónes de alta traícion.
    El Señor no levanta. Él pastorea a sus pies
    los presuntos compradores. Y nos bendice.

    My spanish poetry blog


    Consider Sex and time, procreation, reincarnation. Trigonometry! I envisage the time axis as the repetitive tangens function. Do you see what I mean? What can be tentatively derived from this notion? Clue: orgasm AND birth pangs at tan 0.

    My Philosophy

    My Music Blog

    My Babe Wallpapers

    You are very welcome to promote your blog on mine. They are well frequented, so there's mutual benefit.

    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden

  4. Fantastic! At six feet, you can right into the vanilla mush!
