Monday, July 2, 2012

PUNCH Boxing: A Fit Body Without The Fight

Hiden away on the street just south of Kennedy Boulevard, near the University of Tampa and east of Mise en Place Restaurant, PUNCH is a popular fitness regimen. Quoting from their website HERE: "PUNCH Boxing for Fitness mirrors an actual boxers training regimen with three minute rounds separated by one minute breaks BUT without the fight. Utilizing heavy bags, gloves, jump ropes, shadow boxing, speed bags, stretching, all of this together with a high intense AB workout is guaranteed to get you in the best shape of your life! The workouts build cardio endurance and muscle tone. The concept is unique in that it teaches proper stance and punching form while also offering techniques for a full body workout. Classes are taught in a group setting to boost participation and intensity. Our goal is to get you a boxers athletic body without the fight."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting way to stay in shape, but definitely not for me!
